Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Return of the Champ

Fear not brohans, SMZ has ended his hold out and is back behind the keyboard. I apologize for the missed Cup of Joe this morning. Basically what happen was...Dbl-A and I got our ears CHEWED OFF last night about our little venture here on The SportsBrahs. "How are we going to advertise? What are we doing this for? You have to get your name out there." Shit had my boy Dbl-A stressing. Thought he was gonna pull a Dr. Doback and go ballistic with a SHUT THE FUCK UP. Long story short not only did it have us stressing but it fucked with our puff game and the night ended late. This morning was rough getting up and I didnt get to sit down to even enjoy my own Cup of Joe let alone serve you with yours.

Addressing the questions about The SportsBrahs marketing plan and what not, all i can say is HATERS GONNA HATE but ain't no body gonna break my stride. This is gonna be a long ride, something me and Dbl-A recognized a long time ago but just because a challenge is presented doesn't mean you give up. FUCK THAT SHIT. You gotta be resilient. Did the G-MEN just bend over for insertion when they were set to play the 18-0 New England Patriots in Super Bowl 42 !?!?! Nope. They took the challenge to heart and came back to New York hoisting the Lombardi Trophy right in the faces of those who said they'd fail.

Resiliency: the ability to spring back from and successfully adapt to adversity. Its our motivation guys. We are here to do the damn thing! So thanks for following and supporting us because we won't forget those who have joined our cause. Its like Jesus's apostles following him even though he offered no food or riches; it just feels right. So say your Our Suessmandzadehs and Hail SMZs because despite the doubters THE SPORTSBRAHS WILL LEAD YOU TO THE PROMISE LAND. 


-R.C. Suessmandzadeh

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