Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Midday "Munch" Box: Actor Rip Torn is the man!

Newsday- Prosecutors Tuesday dropped a felony burglary charge against actor Rip Torn clearing the way for him to seek special probation that might settle charges that he broke into a Connecticut bank while drunk and armed in January.

I gotta admit I definitley have a soft spot for this dude Rip Torn. I mean, his job is to act and entertain those who see his movies, and for the most part he's usually very well casted in whatever he's in. But, this guy just takes entertainment to a new, untapped level. He isn't bounded by the restrictions of the law, he does whatever the hell he wants, illegal or not. In the famously echoed words by Oklahoma State Football coach Mike Gundy, Rip Torn is a man! he's 79! 

I know I was almost crying with laughter when I first heard this report break a few months back that Rip Torn had gotten absolutely shitfaced, broke into a bank in Connecticut and proceeded to attempt an inebriated robbery. I don't know what planet Rip was on because when I'm that drunk I can barely ask a girl for her number, never mind demanding thousands of dollars in federal money while I'm holding up some poor teller up at gunpoint. You gotta love this guy's style though, he just doesn't give a flying fuck. Zero regard for the law and who can blame him. The dude is almost 80, might as well let him go crazy and do illegal shit until he dies. How much longer could he last for anyway? Personally, If I were him, and if I even made it to 80 I would just stick to the "creepy old man" approach. You know, chill in Dunkin' Donuts or something and wait till some cute 20-something looking chick came in for her double-ice latte cappuccino covered in caramel, so I could just sit there and catch a nice beat. I thought that's what old guys do, just do as much perverted shit until they expire. Might as well go out with a bang. But Rip, keep on keeping on. If I ever saw you in a bar I would buy you rounds of Jameson shots until we both decided it was time to go and beat the shit out of some homeless people. 

P.S. One of my All time favorite movie lines is from Rip Torn in "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story" He says, "Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? No, but I do it anyway cause it's sterile, and I like the taste."Pure genius right here. Get this man a statue. 


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