Thursday, July 15, 2010

Morning Cup of Joe: The Return of the Phantom

The day Mets fans have been waiting for has arrived. The return of #15 is less than twelve hours away. Mets fans will of course welcome him back into the line up but, how will his return help this team?

Obviously Beltran's bat is a huge boost. The Mets don't need any excuses to place a more potent and experienced bat in the line up. The Mets offense has been anemic of late so I actually think the benefits outweigh the negatives here.  It does change the dynamics of the line up however, batters are going to see different pitches than they are use to so there will be an adjustment period for not only Beltran but for the rest of the lineup.
My second concern is his range in center. When Carlos is healthy he has a tractor beam but coming off past seasons of knee issues and now this latest knee rehab, who knows if he can get those fly balls that we as Mets fans view as second nature to him? We probably won't see the center fielder we have come to know and love until he really knocks the rust off and out of that knee. Mid to late August is my prediction.

Despite my concerns, I am pumped to see him in the lineup tonight. The addition in itself is like that of a trade where you give up absolutely nothing. We didn't have him so now just having him helps the team. I most certainly like the idea of Beltran batting clean up over Ike Davis. Not that Ike didn't do a good job but, it'll take pressure off Ike and possible enhance his batting game. Now if we can just get Jason Bay on a roll and make a deal for a guy like Ted Lilly, greener pastures could be on the way for the New York Metropolitans and their fans.

Beat the Braves! Phuck The Phillies & simply put...LETS GO METS.

-R.C. Suessmandzadeh

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