Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The HOT corner

Like hot chicks? Think they're awesome? Well, that's just freakin sweet because The SportsBrah's do too. Are you a cutie pie who can appreciate other girls and the beauty of their form? Well, we more then welcome you to check out the HOT corner because it probably means your a down chick, and there's nothing more attractive then that. It could also mean you're just a randy young dude like ourselves who wish we could actually have these ladies in real life cause hey, I thought this was America. The HOT corner is going to bring you, besides the double entendre, (and a great baseball reference at that) the lovely ladies that steal ours and your hearts away with a plethora of beautiful eyes, smiles, butts, boobs- you know, the good stuff.

I decided to kick it off it off with one of my favorite up and coming young actresses in Hollywood and that is the Granddaughter of the New York football Giants late owner Wellington Mara. Presenting Kate Mara.

What an absolute cutie pie. Honestly, she's got the girl next door thing going on which is just so intoxicating to the eyes. I have said this before and I'll certainly say it again: the population of attractive girls with red/amber color hair are few and far between. They are about as abundant as the amount of vegetables in Rex Ryan's diet people. So we're talking an immense rarity.

I just love her style and would not mind having a romantic dinner with her while I try to convince her to let me join her family in marriage. I could picture myself begging her "please, Kate! please, I'll take your last name. I'll even be the one who gets pregnant and has to shit the baby out." I would be the first man ever to go through child labor. That's the kind of love I have for this precious little head turner. Loved her on Entourage too and if it weren't for Mark Wahlberg getting all hot and bothered that she wouldn't fuck him, she would still be on the show. I made that last part up but I actually believe that a reprise on Season 7 would have given her a legitimate chance to threaten E and Sloan's engagement. Real chatter.

For the peeps out there who know me well, You KNOW how much I love Sloan. For Christ sakes I have a jar of used toliet paper that she has used over the last few years. I hired a private investigator to follow her around and collect these samples for me. Very expensive shit I might add. No pun intended.

So enjoy Kate Mara and seriously how damn cute she is.


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