Monday, July 19, 2010

Case of the Mondays

Caught a serious case of the Mondays today and posting at 8 AM became impossible. I decided to hit the snooze button one to many times. Sorry for the delay but Suessmandzadeh is back in action.

It's been a week since the site has launched and things are going great. We've been spreading the Brah-spel far and wide and thank everyone who has helped us do the same. We already have 50 posts and 25 followers! Thats sick. Remember this site is for you guys so we are always looking for you to send us suggestions, i.e. babes, news, sports rumors, funny pics, youtube name it WE WANT IT. Send it to the email address above.

Still working on the T-Shirt but fear not, things like this can't be rushed. Its gonna be a masterpiece.

Thanks again and hope you enjoy!

-The SportsBrahs

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