Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Sorkin Notes: Today's Scuttlebutt - Prince Fielder

Here at the SportsBrahs, we like to inform the fans of the rumors that are swirling around the leagues. I heard a tasty tid bit from a source today that they consider the Tampa Bay Rays the favorites of making a splash for Milwaukee Brewer's first basemen Prince Fielder.

The source suggests that the deal would most likely be built around power arm Wade Davis. Davis has shown some very high promise starting in the Rays rotation. His stats as of now (6 - 9 with a 4.69 era and a 62:42 K:BB ratio in 94 innings pitched) aren't the sexiest in the world but has to potential to be a great investment considering the Brewers will most likely lose Fielder for nothing come seasons end.

Not to mention a line up rocking Crawford, Longoria, Pena and Fielder is pretty sexy in itself. Living in Tampa for the past 4 years I like to throw my support their way when I can and I know that Rays fans would like their chances of making a run with that line up, especially if Garza and Shields can straighten their shit out behind David Price.

-R.C. Suessmandzadeh

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