Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday's Spiel: Cleveland Strikes Back!

ESPNCLEVELAND -- A Cleveland brewery is re-releasing a bitter beer inspired by LeBron James' decision to leave the Cavaliers for the Miami Heat. Great Lakes Brewing Co. says 30 gallons of "Quitness" ale sold out in three hours Wednesday at the company's downtown brewpub.

Yeah, now that's what i'm talking about. Cleveland just has this whole thing on lockdown, and you gotta love all of these last ditch efforts by the entire city to just take one final dump on Lebron's legacy. First Cav's owner Dan Gilbert publicly kills LBJ after he selfishly refuses to give him any heads up on his decision, and now the city is releasing a flavor of beer that every time sipped, will remind them of the "sour" ending to what had previously been a love affair between James' hometown team and his Lil' Wayne esque, out of this world ego. 

As bad as this saga needs to end, I can't help but think how much this reminds me of a bad break up. I mean, you got Lebron who basically tells Cleveland that they are as strong they ever have been; that they possess the "edge." The city established his greatness and backed up his label as the "Chosen One." Except when they can't go all the way together you see Lebron with a brand new flame the very NEXT night after they break up. Imagine seeing your girl with that freak Tommy Lee, the night after she dumps you because "she needed to slow her life down a bit." Ah, the classic shit girls will tell you. Well I say fuck all that. 

P.S. Cleveland, if you really wanna get back at Lebron, why don't you have Delonte West organize an "Everyone bang Lebron's mom day" Make it for charity, I love that sound of that. After all, it could be for the kids Lebron, for the kids.


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