Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Bring You The "Gutty" Laugh

                                            Play this video, and learn bros.

For all my brohans and brahs out there, ever wondered if there was a sure fire way to tell if a girl is a slut just by her body language or the signs she gives off? Is she interested or is she just waiting for you to pull that wallet out and fill her up with some captain morgan? Does she seem like a genuine girl that you could bring home to mama? All of these questions have plagued us men since the bar scene became our hunting grounds. Well, no need to stress anymore gentlemen. Dbl-A has this on lockdown, and no loose floozie is gonna trick you again.

If you've ever read any books on how to pick up chicks, just forget that. Tips from Justin Timberlake on how to spit game from one of those shitty VH1 shows? Definitely fuck all that. Is it in the way she smiles? Does or doesn't make eye contact? Maybe it's in the outfit. Yeah, that's gotta be it! Chicks who dress slutty are slutty right? The answer is no. Girls who pretend to be slutty by dressing the part are just fake ass, and are even way worse then full fledged floozies. That's a whole other animal though.

The answer to all of this mess, is you gotta pay attention to the way a girl laughs. Boom! If you drop some smooth chatter and she responds in a cute little giggle your money in the bank. Definitely a keeper and potential wifey material. After all, the giggler's actually find you funny. If you start talking about blacked out nights where you destroyed your cell phone and consumed meatball subs at 3:00 Am, be on the look for the "gutty" laugh. REFER TO THE VIDEO UP TOP. You people see what I'm saying now? If a chick laughs somewhere along the lines of this then its red flag time. Pretty cut and dry. Just a simple science here. Gotta bail unless your not trying to cop a wifey. In that case, no need to stress anymore, heady wop is probably on the menu for you tonight killa.


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