Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The "Hot Corner": Michelle Beadle

Always been a fan of this pretty girl since her days on the YES Network, co-hosting for the show "Yankees On Deck." Before me and Suessmandzadeh decided to dub any ode to gorgeously hot chicks The "Hot" corner, I was very interested in doing a column specifically about hot sports reporters like Michelle Beadle. She's smart, funny, witty, good at what she does, and oh yeah, HOT. I mean, not hot like wow I can't keep my pants on when I look at her, but more like wow, I would like to cuddle up with her next to a fireplace while we discuss the parity in the NFL, or the controversial salary cap in the NBA. Just put it this way, your boy Dbl-A has a sensitive side.

Currently, Ms. Beadle is a co-host of the show SportsNation on ESPN with Colin Cowherd. The show is pretty awful, mostly because Cowherd is a big pasty tool bag. I mean, he's got a sick job and all but he's just basically a giant douche in a suit that says really stupid shit. On top of that, he cannot make it any more obvious that he thinks Michelle is hot. Hey Colin, Bro. We all think she's a babe, you don't need to try and awkwardly impress her with questionably gay information on Brett Favre's personal life. I almost feel bad for the guy cause working with a pretty girl is never an easy thing to do. I know from experience. They can make you act like a real turd sandwich, and throw you off your game. It's just an unexplainable power that girls possess.

Michelle Beadle is a different breed though. Not your typical woman. Definitely hard to impress, because you can tell in the way she carries herself. Knows exactly what she wants. She's one of those chicks that you need to completely be yourself cause she's the prototypical girl next door. She's down to earth, and probably down to...

I love her.


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