Sunday, July 11, 2010

All systems go...WE HAVE LIFT OFF !!

Dear Readers, 

In the 21st century, sports are not just games, but a crucial aspect of what makes life worth living. It doesn't matter if you are going through a tough time in your life or living out your dreams, the one constant is sports provide the ability to entertain, revolt in anger or shed tears of joy or unfathomable sadness. It’s why the athletes play the game, and most importantly it’s why we, the fans, watch.

Prepare for all things sports entertainment where there are no boundaries, and anything and everything has been placed in our crosshairs. Armed with a humorous wit and an immense dedication to all things New York sports, we as bloggers promise to equally offend everyone but also give credit when credit is due.

We hope that you easy riders will join us on our journey by conveying the passion that sports brings to yours and our lives day in and day out. Yankee and Met updates? That goes without saying. Jets and Giants discussion? I mean, is the pope Catholic? All things Rangers, Islanders, Knicks? You love it, we love it. T & A? well, you might as well put money on it- we're brahs bro.

And most importantly, we write this blog for the New York sports fan because that's who we are, and that's who we care about.

Imagine it's YOU readers out there as
Jim Mora Sr. and we are his team. We're gonna run the ball, were gonna try and run the ball, and we we'll strive to do more then diddily poo offensively. We hope you all enjoy and become loyal followers!


R.C. Suessmandzadeh

The SportsBrahs

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