Friday, July 23, 2010

The Road Trip From Hell: Technically We're 0-8

As my fellow Met fans tune in tonight to watch the notsoAmazins face the Dodgers, I want you to keep this in mind. If not for that bad call in San Fran this past Sunday, the Mets are 0-8 on The Road Trip From Hell.

As I guaranteed in earlier Road Trip From Hell posts, the Mets served up their 11th walk-off win the other night in Arizona, being swept in the process. Both Haren and Niese brought their B+ game, serving up 5 combined solo home runs, but as we painstakingly know, home teams easily have a 75% chance of winning when the Mets come into your ball park. The formula proved correct once again.

Give credit where credit is due, Met pitching has shown up on this road trip. Even Takahashi rebounded from that hideous start in San Fran to deliver 7 quality innings in Game 1 against the Dodgers last night, only to be burned with a hard luck lose. The only man not pulling his weight is Soft Pelf. How about just shoving the whole ball in your mouth Mike? Maybe a sufficient saliva logged ball will solve your control issues, God knows the amount you're using now is just not cutting it.

So heres what we know. Ever since Beltran's return, the Met lineup, except for Pagan, looks like the walking dead. I knew the entire line up was going to have to go through an adjustment period with the return of the Phantom of the Outfield, but this "adjustment" just crushed the late June early July progress the Mets fought so hard for. Once 11 games over .500 the Mets are now a measly 2 games above the mark, currently sporting a 49-47 record. The peaks of this season have been very high, but the valleys have been extremely low. Now 7.5 games back of the Braves in the N.L. East, the Mets could potentially be berried and out of that race by the end of the weekend.

Thankfully, #57 el Brohan takes the mound tonight. We all know Second Half Santana is going to put the team on his back once again, question is: Can the Mets beat up on Swine Flue Padilla and even if they do, what plate of ajada will K-Roid cook up if given the chance? My answer, as posted previously, if conditions permit, no matter the score, let the horse finish his race.

There is some good news as The Road Trip From Hell, is almost over; the bad news: 3 more games in LA.

Lets Go Mets!


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