Tuesday, July 13, 2010

R.I.P. Big Stein - Farewell from a Met fan

It truly is a sad day in baseball. George Steinbrenner is dead at age 80. Hated by many and loved as well, Big Stein had a profound impact on major league baseball. Even as a Met fan I can't help but feel sorrow today. Steinbrenner embodied the owner all fans would be lucky to have. Winning was the goal and anything else was failure. Steinbrenner wasn't cheap; always willing to shell out the big bucks in order to improve the Yankees chances of winning. This philosophy garnered much hatred for the Yankee franchise, but in actuality changed the game for the good. Steinbrenner's spending habits forced other owners to spend in order to compete. As other owners sat back and accepted the status quo, Big Stein's mission for championships became the bench mark for fellow owners.

I grew up in the Yankee dynasty and it is a big reason I am a baseball fan. Without Steinbrenner's purchase of the Yankees, who knows what fucked up useless interests I'd have today. Fuck the Wilpons! I wish I had George! The Yankees are the perfect example of how to run a franchise. Big Stein had a huge focus on the happiness of the fans and Yankee fans will enjoy the benefits of this philosophy until the Steinbrenners are no longer in the Yankee front office (which will likely be never).

Similarly, The SportsBrahs are for the fans and I can't help but feel that this site's mentality is a product of George Steinbrenner's influence on me and Dbl-A's sports fan youth.

It pleases me to know that his last full season of Yankee baseball was capped by a World Series Championship. Poetic is it not? Thanks again George, rest in peace.

- R.C. Suessmandzadeh

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