Friday, July 16, 2010

Morning Cup of Joe: Fuck Maverick Carter

Yahoo - Just a few days ago, Vaneisha Robinson believed her dreams were about to come true. As NewsChannel5 and first reported, Robinson paid $5 for a pendant in the shape of LeBron James' number 23 jersey at a yard sale four years ago.
Robinson thought it was costume jewelry until she had it appraised and certified by International Gemological Institute, which said the diamond-studded, gold jewelry was real and valued at nearly $10,000.
The amateur boxer put the pendant up for sale on eBay, hoping to use the proceeds to open her own gym.
On Wednesday, Robinson said she got a phone call that turned her dream into a nightmare. Robinson said it was Katherine L. Powers, the mother of Maverick O. Carter. Carter is the CEO of LeBron James' marketing company, LRMR. "[Powers] said that LeBron James was at her house and they wanted me to come over there. They were going to make me an offer that I couldn't refuse," Robinson said.
It turned out the one-of-a-kind pendant belongs to Carter, who claims it was stolen. Robinson said she and her mother went to the Wadsworth house Carter shares with his mother, believing James was going to buy the pendant and give it back to Carter.
"When I got there, LeBron James was not there. It was about eight or nine other people there," Robinson said. "They pretty much accused me, they threatened me and they used their authority to they (sic) best ability to get the pendant in their possession."

Check this story out because honestly the Lebron James and Maverick Carter are Douche bags caravan has made another stop along their way to South Beach. Two days ago I saw this story on yahoo and was going to post about it but didn't want to give any publicity to anything Lebron James. ESPN gives enough coverage that i am ready to vomit every time I turn the channel on.

This story started two days ago with this woman claiming she found and purchased the above featured pendent at a garage sale for a whopping 5 bucks. She thought it was phony jewelry and decided just to keep it for herself. The Female decides to get it appraised and discovers its worth almost $10,000. Stories hit the news and she ends up putting it on ebay to try and make a quick buck.

Now that piece of shit Maverick Carter is claiming it was stolen from him !?!?!?! Screw him. Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers. On the playground we wouldn't be hearing about any of this shit. The saying would serve as judge, jury and executioner. I have no sympathy for this egotistical piece of monkey crap. Especially the way he and his goony set of thugs tried to procure the pendent from the woman's possession. Eat Shit and Die. Go have your boyfriend buy you a new one with his new number 6 on it. Shits out dated anyway, jeez. King James is King Lame. This shits retarded. I'm so over this drama, can we at least get a Brett Favre watch going cause that right now is more interesting than this crap.

-R.C. Suessmandzadeh

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