Tuesday, July 13, 2010

An All-Star Citi

ESPN - Commissioner Bud Selig recently officially awarded the 2012 All-Star Game to Kansas City, so announcing Citi Field as the host of the 2013 event won't be confirmed soon. Still, it's been widely reported for a couple of years that the Mets will play host to the All-Star Game in 2013, following Arizona next season and then K.C. 

To quote the great Ric Flair, "Wooooooooooooooooooo!" First the Super Bowl being awarded to the new Giants Stadium for 2014 and now possibly the All-Star game back in NY for 2013. Bow down to the glory sports fans. New York is just the hot spot in this country. Doesn't get any better than the city that doesn't sleep. The Excelsior State...DO YOU GET THE PICTURE !?!?!

Of course none of this maters if those Myan calendar prediction are correct and 2012 really will be the end of the world. Then were just shit out of luck.

P.S. - David Wright is 2-2 with an SB so far in this All-Star game, just another day at the office for DW

-R.C. Suessmandzadeh

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